iOS Tutorials

iOS Tutorials If you are interested in more iOS tutorials, please visit my portfolio site at Some of my games and apps haven’t been updated for a while and may be a little buggy, but they are free, so feel free to download and enjoy.

Game Development Tutorials

On-Screen Touch Control - Learn to create a player control mechanic for a top-down shooter game that allows users to use direct on-screen touch as the basis for player movement.

Direct-Touch Control - Learn to create a player control mechanic for a top-down shooter game that allows users to use an on-screen control button as the basis for player movement.

CloudKit and On-Demand Game Assets- Learn how CloudKit can be used to implement an on-demand game asset functionality that can be useful for app thinning and for increasing scalability

Objective-C Categories - Learn about Objective-C categories and how they can be used to provide modular functionality for game characters.

Objective-C Protocols - Learn about Objective-C protocols and how they can be used to make gaming applications more modular.

Objective-C Singletons - Learn about Objective-C singletons and how they can be used to generate character animations in a way that is more memory efficient and computationally faster.

Build a Client for Connecting to the Quandl REST API

Tutorial 1: Here, we define and implement an APIClient class that can connect to the Quandl API REST endpoint, perform an API request, and download JSON data.

Tutorial 2:  In this section, we define a JSONReader class that will be able to parse the downloaded JSON data and convert it to NSManagedObject classes that can be saved to the SQLite database underlying a CoreData persistent store.

Tutorial 3:  In this section, we define a DataFetcher class that can make customized fetch requests for retrieving daily stock quote data based on various filter parameters (i.e. data, opening price, closing price, etc.)

Build a Dictionary API Client for Connecting to the Oxford and Merriam-Webster REST APIs

Oxford Dictionary REST API:  Learn how to build an API client that connects to the Oxford Dictionary/Thesaurus REST API and get data related to given a word, such as its dictionary entries, synonyms and antonyms, and also word lists related to different language registers and domains.

Merriam-Webster REST API (under construction):  Learn how to build an API client that connects to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary REST API.  Unlike the Oxford Dictionary API, where authentication credentials are provided via the header fields of the API request, the API key for this case appended to the URL string.

Fish Game Tutorials

Tutorial 1: In this tutorial, we will explore GameplayKit to lay the foundation for a fish game I will call "LastFishFloating."  This will be a game where the player-controlled fish must flee from predators, catch prey, and also acquire collectible items drifting from the ocean surface.

Tutorial 2: In this part of the tutorial, we will start to develop our BaseScene class and other game objects.  To begin with, we will define a protocol called FishAgentProtocol, whose methods will allow us to decouple a GKAgent2D object from the SKSpriteNode that will be responsible for displaying our Fish sprite. The SKSpriteNode object is also responsible for holding the fish's transform properties (i.e. position and rotation) as well as its physics body. 

Tutorial 3: In this tutorial, we define a BaseScene class from which other scenes will inherit. This will make it easier to configure derived scenes, since the basic implementation details for the functionality common across all scenes will be hidden, allowing us to focus the aspects of the derived scenes that unique to those scenes.

Tutorial 4: In this tutorial, we will define and implement a fish manager class that will be responsible for adding different kinds of fish to our game scene.

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