If you would like to download the source code for this tutorial, please check here. Before we begin to develop a set of classes that will be responsible for building the URLs and generating the API requests used to connect to the REST API, it will be helpful to define some custom data types First, we define an OxfordAPILanguage enum, whose underlying type is a string. Although the API client designed here mainly assumes English to be the default language for API requests, the language parameter has values that allow for other languages to be specified:
enum OxfordAPILanguage: String{ case English = "en" case Spanish = "es" case Malay = "ms" case Setswana = "tn" case Swahili = "sw" case NorthernSoho = "nso" case Indonesia = "id" case Latvian = "lv" case Urdu = "ur" case Romanian = "ro" case Hindi = "hi" case German = "de" case Portuguese = "pt" case Tamil = "ta" case Gujarati = "gu" }
In addition to different languages, the user can also specify different regions (i.e. Great Britain and the United States) to obtain language data that reflects regional variations between British English and American English:
enum OxfordRegion: String{ case gb,us }
Language data is also grouped into a large number of domains, most of which have been represented below with the enum type OxfordDomain, which also has a String rawValue in order to make it more convenient to enter values for query parameters later:
enum OxfordDomain: String{ case air_force, alcoholic,american_civil_war,american_football,amerindian case anatomy,ancient_history,angling,anthropology, archaeology, archery, architecture case art, artefacts, arts_and_humanities, astrology, astronomy case athletics, audio, australian_rules, aviation, ballet, baseball, basketball, bellringing case biblical, billiards, biochemistry, biology, bird, bookbinding, botany, bowling, bowls,boxing case breed, brewing case bridge,broadcasting,buddhism,building,bullfighting,camping,canals,cards,carpentry case chemistry, chess, christian,church_architecture,civil_engineering,clock_making case clothing, coffee,commerce,commercial_fishing,complementary_medicine,computing case cooking,cosmetics,cricket,crime,croquet,crystallography,currency,cycling case dance,dentistry,drink,dyeing,early_modern_history,ecclesiastical case ecology,economics,education,egyptian_history,electoral,electrical,electronics,element case english_civil_war,falconry,farming,fashion,fencing,film,finance,fire_service,first_world_war case fish, food, forestr,freemasonry,french_revolution,furniture,gambling,games,gaming,genetics case geography,geology,geometry,glassmaking,golf,goods_vehicles,grammar,greek_histroy,gymnastics case hairdressing,handwriting,heraldry,hinduism,history,hockey,honour,horology,horticulture,hotels case hunting,insect,instruments,intelligence,invertebrate,islam,jazz,jewellery case journalism,judaism,knitting,language,law,leather,linguistics case literature,logic,lower_plant,mammal,marriage,martial_arts case mathematics,measure,mechanics,medicine,medieval_histor case metallurgy,meteorology,microbiology,military,military_history case mineral,mining,motor_racing,motoring,music,mountaineering,musical_direction,mythology case napoleonic_wars,narcotics,nautical,naval,needlework,numismatics,occult,oceanography case office, oil_industry,optics,palaeontology,parliament,pathology,penal case people,pharmaceutics,philately,philosophy,phonetics,photography,physics case physiology,plant,plumbing,politics, police,popular_music,postal,potter,printing,professions case prosody,psychiatry,psychology,publishing,racing,railways,rank,relationships case religion, reptile,restaurants,retail,rhetoric, riding,roads,rock,roman_catholic_church case roman_history,rowing,royalty,rugby,savoury,scouting,second_world_war case sex,shoemaking,sikhism,skateboarding,skating,skiing,smoking,snowboarding,soccer case sociology,space,sport,statistics,stock_exchange,surfing,surgery,surveying,sweet,swimming case tea, team_sports,technology,telecommunications,tennis,textiles,theatre,theology,timber,title case tools, trade_unionism,transport,university,variety,veterinar,video case war_of_american_independence,weapons,weightlifting,wine,wrestling,yoga,zoology }
An enum type OxfordLanguageRegister is also defined here to represent different styles and modes in which English is spoken based on a variety of social, historical, literary, and cultural contexts:
enum OxfordLanguageRegister: String{ case allusive case archaic case allusively case army_slang case black_english case coarse_slang case cant case college_slang case concrete case contemptuous case dated case depreciative,depreciatively case derogatory case dialect case dismissive case disused case emphatically case especially case euphemism case euphemistic case figurative case generally case historical case humorous, humorously case hyperbolical, hyperbolically case informal case ironic, ironically case literal case literary case military_slang case nautical_slang case nursery case obsolete case offensive case personified case poetic case police_slang case prison_slang case proverb case pseuodo_archaic case rare,rarely case rhyming_slang case school_slang case slang case technical case temporary case theatrical_slang case trademark case trademark_in_uk case trademark_in_us case transferred case university_slang case vulgar_slang case non_standard = "non-standard" case nonce_use = "nonce-use" case RAF_slang = "R.A.F_slang" }
Words and lemmas can also be categorized in terms of their lexical category (i.e. part of speech), whose categories are represented with the OxfordLexicalCategory enum. For this enum, we also define a static method that will return an array representing all possible lexical categories(which can be used for validation purposes later):
enum OxfordLexicalCategory: String{ case noun, verb case combining_form case adjective,adverb case conjunction, contraction case determiner,idiomatic,interjection case numeral, particle, other case predeterminer, prefix, suffix case preposition,pronoun,residual static let allPartsOfSpeech: [OxfordLexicalCategory] = [ .noun, .verb, .combining_form, .adjective, .adverb, .conjunction, .contraction, .determiner, .idiomatic, .interjection, .numeral, .particle, .other, .predeterminer, .prefix,.suffix,.preposition,.pronoun,.residual ] }
Another enum type OxfordGrammaticalFeature is defined to represent the different possible grammatical inflections that often result in a variety of wordforms being used for a given headword. This enum, combined with the enum for lexical categories above, will make it easier to narrow down the possible range of returned JSON data to a more manageable and specific subset:
enum OxfordGrammaticalFeature: String{ //mass case mass //collectivity case collective //adjective function case attributive case predicative //subcategorization case intransitive case transitive //auxiliary case auxiliary //residual case abbreviation case symbol case interrogative case possessive case relative //person case third //unit structure case phrasal //number case singular case plural //numeral case cardinal case ordinal //tense case past case present //degree case comparative case positive case superlative //event modality case modal //gender case feminine //mood case conditional case subjunctive //non finiteness case infinitive case past_participle case present_participle }
In addition, we will define another enum type OxfordHTTPStatusCode, to help us implement error handling as it relates to our API requests. Each enum case represents a different possible HTTP status code from the REST API server (for more information about the different status codes, see the documentation). This enum also defines an instance method statusCodeMessage that returns an error message specific to the status code represented by an enum case:
enum OxfordHTTPStatusCode: Int{ case Success = 200 case BadRequest = 400 case AuthenticationFailed = 403 case NotFound = 404 case InternalServerError = 500 case BadGateway = 502 case ServiceUnavailable = 503 case GatewayTimeout = 504 case OtherStatusCode func statusCodeMessage() -> String{ switch self { case .AuthenticationFailed: return "The request failed due to invalid credentials.Please check that the app_id and app_key are correct, and that the URL you are trying to access is correct. These can be found in the API Credentials page" case .BadGateway: return "Oxford Dictionaries API is down or being upgraded." case .BadRequest: return "The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further.For example, when the filters provided are unknown, the source and target languages in the translation endpoint are the same, or a numeric parameter such as offset and limit in the wordlist endpoint cannot be evaluated as a number." case .GatewayTimeout: return "The Oxford Dictionaries API servers are up, but the request couldn’t be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Please try again later." case .InternalServerError: return "Something is broken. Please contact us so the Oxford Dictionaries API team can investigate." case .NotFound: return "No information available or the requested URL was not found on the server.For example, when the headword could not be found, a region or domain identifier do not exist, or the headword does not contain any attribute that match the filters in the request. It may also be the case that the URL is misspelled or incomplete." case .ServiceUnavailable: return "The Oxford Dictionaries API servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Please try again later." case .Success: return "Success!" case .OtherStatusCode: return "Unknown http status code received" default: return "Unknown http status code received" } } }
An OxfordAPIEndpoint enum will also be defined to represent the different REST API endpoints that can be called via our API request. Each enum case will have an underlying string value, with a few exceptions: the ‘utility’ case does not have an underlying string per se (this API is used to get information about the REST API itself, such as the different filters available for a given endpoint); the Lexistats API for retrieving word frequency data is represented here with three enum cases, each of which has its underlying string set to a specific string identifier that will be useful in constructing the API request URL (however, connecting to the Lexistats API will be the subject for another tutorial, as this is a service/feature added only recently to the REST API).
enum OxfordAPIEndpoint: String{ case entries, inflections, search, translations, wordlist case utility = "" case stats_word_frequency = "stats/frequency/word" case stats_words_frequency = "stats/frequency/words" case stats_ngrams_frequency = "stats/frequency/ngrams" }
Within the OxfordAPIEndpoint enum, we will define a nested enum, OxfordAPIFilter, to represent the different filters available for the endpoints. We will make this enum a nested type for semantic reasons – mainly, a given ‘filter’ query parameter is closely connected with endpoint whose results it helps to filter. However, seeing as filters have a many-to-many relationship with API endpoints, it would also be reasonable to define the OxfordAPIFilterenum as a standalone enum. Later, an instance method getAvailableFilterswill be defined for the OxfordAPIEndpoint enum type. This instance method will return the filters available for a specific endpoint enum and will be useful for validating arguments for methods that take OxfordAPIFilter as an optional parameter. (A more readable result could probably be achieved by defining a nested enum type within each OxfordAPIRequest subclass – to be defined later – so that the methods defined for those subclasses achieve validation through type-checking rather than checking against the set of valid filters, but for purposes of this tutorial, we hope to explore the power of Swift enums in more depths, as well as other topics such as failable intializers).
The OxfordAPIFilter enum has associated types corresponding to the parameter values specific to that enum. Hence, the domain and register filters take an array of strings (i.e. [String]) as associated values, whereas the limit and offset filters take values of type Int for their associated values. Since an enum with associated types cannot have underlying rawValues, we make the OxfordAPI filter conform to the Hashable protocol by implementing the hashValue variable as well as the equality == operator. This will also allow us to define sets whose elements consist of OxfordAPIFilter enum types. The integers associated with each enum case in the implementation of hashValue are totally arbitrary. In order to get the string corresponding to a given OxfordAPIFilter, we also define an instance method, getDebugName, which returns the string representation for that filter as a parameter in the API request URL string.
enum OxfordAPIFilter: Hashable{ var hashValue: Int{ switch self { case .definitions( _): return 0 case .domains( _): return 1 case .etymologies( _): return 2 case .examples( _): return 3 case .grammaticalFeatures( _): return 4 case .lexicalCategory( _): return 5 case .pronunciations( _): return 6 case .regions( _): return 7 case .registers( _): return 8 case .translations( _): return 9 case .variantForms( _): return 10 case .trueCase(_): return 11 case .format(_): return 12 case .collate(_): return 13 case .sort(_): return 14 case .punctuation(_): return 15 case .limit(_): return 16 case .offset(_): return 17 case .tokens(_): return 18 case .contains(_): return 19 case .minFrequency(_): return 20 case .minDocumentFrequency(_): return 21 case .minNormalizedFrequency(_): return 22 case .maxFrequency(_): return 23 case .maxDocumentFrequency(_): return 24 case .maxNormalizedFrequency(_): return 25 case .wordform(_): return 26 case .wordforms(_): return 27 case .lemma(_): return 28 } } static func ==(lhs: OxfordAPIEndpoint.OxfordAPIFilter, rhs: OxfordAPIEndpoint.OxfordAPIFilter) -> Bool { return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue } func getDebugName() -> String{ switch self { case .domains(_): return "domains" case .lexicalCategory(_): return "lexicalCategory" case .regions(_): return "regions" case .registers(_): return "registers" case .translations(_): return "translations" case .definitions(_): return "definitions" case .etymologies(_): return "etymologies" case .examples(_): return "examples" case .grammaticalFeatures(_): return "grammaticalFeatures" case .pronunciations(_): return "pronunciations" case .variantForms(_): return "variantForms" case .lemma(_): return "lemma" case .wordform(_): return "wordform" case .wordforms(_): return "wordforms" case .trueCase(_): return "trueCase" case .limit(_): return "limit" case .offset(_): return "offset" case .collate(_): return "collate" case .contains(_): return "contains" case .sort(_): return "sort" case .format(_): return "format" case .minFrequency(_): return "minFrequency" case .minNormalizedFrequency(_): return "minNormalizedFrequency" case .minDocumentFrequency(_): return "minDocumentFrequency" case .maxFrequency(_): return "maxFrequency" case .maxDocumentFrequency(_): return "maxDocumentFrequency" case .maxNormalizedFrequency(_): return "maxNormalizedFrequency" case .tokens(_): return "tokens" case .punctuation(_): return "punctuation" } } case domains([String]) case lexicalCategory([String]) case regions([String]) case registers([String]) case translations([String]) case definitions([String]) case etymologies([String]) case examples([String]) case grammaticalFeatures([String]) case pronunciations([String]) case variantForms([String]) case wordform(String) case wordforms([String]) case lemma([String]) case trueCase([String]) case limit(Int) case offset(Int) case collate([OxfordAPIFilter]) case sort([OxfordAPIFilter]) case minFrequency(Int) case maxFrequency(Int) case minNormalizedFrequency(Int) case maxNormalizedFrequency(Int) case minDocumentFrequency(Int) case maxDocumentFrequency(Int) case punctuation(Bool) case tokens([String]) case contains([String]) case format(Bool)
The OxfordAPIFilter enum will also define an instance method getQueryParameterString(isLastQueryParameter:), which will use the debugName function together with its associated values to generate a parameter query string in which both the parameter name and values are returned in a single string that can be appended to a URL string:
func getQueryParameterString(isLastQueryParameter: Bool) -> String{ var queryString = "\(getDebugName())=" switch self { case .lexicalCategory(let parameterValues): queryString = parameterValues.reduce(queryString, {$0.appending("\($1),")}) queryString.removeLast() break case .grammaticalFeatures(let parameterValues): queryString = parameterValues.reduce(queryString, {$0.appending("\($1),")}) queryString.removeLast() break case .regions(let parameterValues): queryString = parameterValues.reduce(queryString, {$0.appending("\($1),")}) queryString.removeLast() break case .domains(let parameterValues): queryString = parameterValues.reduce(queryString, {$0.appending("\($1),")}) queryString.removeLast() break case .registers(let parameterValues): queryString = parameterValues.reduce(queryString, {$0.appending("\($1),")}) queryString.removeLast() break case .definitions(let parameterValues): queryString = parameterValues.reduce(queryString, {$0.appending("\($1),")}) queryString.removeLast() break case .etymologies(let parameterValues): queryString = parameterValues.reduce(queryString, {$0.appending("\($1),")}) queryString.removeLast() break case .pronunciations(let parameterValues): queryString = "\(getDebugName())=" queryString = parameterValues.reduce(queryString, {$0.appending("\($1),")}) queryString.removeLast() break case .variantForms(let parameterValues): queryString = parameterValues.reduce(queryString, {$0.appending("\($1),")}) queryString.removeLast() break case .wordforms(let parameterValues): queryString = parameterValues.reduce(queryString, {$0.appending("\($1),")}) queryString.removeLast() break case .collate(let filters): let filterStrings = filters.map({ return $0.getDebugName()} ) queryString = filterStrings.reduce(queryString, {$0.appending("\($1),")}) queryString.removeLast() break case .sort(let filters): let filterStrings = filters.map({ return $0.getDebugName()} ) queryString = filterStrings.reduce(queryString, {$0.appending("\($1),")}) queryString.removeLast() break case .wordform(let wordform): queryString = queryString.appending("\(wordform)") break case .limit(let resultsLimit): queryString = queryString.appending("\(resultsLimit)") break case .offset(let resultsOffset): queryString = queryString.appending("\(resultsOffset)") break case .maxFrequency(let maxFrequency): queryString = queryString.appending("\(maxFrequency)") break case .minFrequency(let minFrequency): queryString = queryString.appending("\(minFrequency)") break case .maxNormalizedFrequency(let maxNormalizedFrequency): queryString = queryString.appending("\(maxNormalizedFrequency)") break case .minNormalizedFrequency(let minNormalizedFrequency): queryString = queryString.appending("\(minNormalizedFrequency)") break case .minDocumentFrequency(let minDocumentFrequency): queryString = queryString.appending("\(minDocumentFrequency)") break case .maxDocumentFrequency(let maxDocumentFrequency): queryString = queryString.appending("\(maxDocumentFrequency)") break case .punctuation(let shouldIncludePunctuation): queryString = queryString.appending("\(shouldIncludePunctuation ? "true" : "false")") break case .format(let shouldReturnAsSingleString): queryString = queryString.appending("\(shouldReturnAsSingleString ? "google" : "oup")") break case .tokens(let tokenValues): queryString = tokenValues.reduce(queryString, {$0.appending("\($1),")}) queryString.removeLast() break case .contains(let tokenValues): queryString = tokenValues.reduce(queryString, {$0.appending("\($1),")}) queryString.removeLast() break default: queryString = String() } if(!isLastQueryParameter){ queryString = queryString.appending(";") } return queryString } }
Lastly, for the OxfordAPIEndpoint enum, we define an instance method that returns the set of filters possible for a given enum case. This set of valid filters will be used for validation purposes when we implement our OxfordAPIRequest base class and its subclasses. The OxfordAPIFilter values used to populate the set of possible filters need not have any associated values, since this method is just used to get the OxfordAPIFilter cases only and not the parameter values for a given filter. For this reason, we pass in empty arrays and arbitrary values for the associated values depending on the specific enum case:
func getAvailableFilters() -> Set{ let resultLimitationFilters: Set = Set([OxfordAPIFilter.offset(0),OxfordAPIFilter.limit(1000)]) switch self { case .entries: return Set([.definitions([]),.domains([]),.etymologies([]),.examples([]),.grammaticalFeatures([]),.lexicalCategory([]), .pronunciations([]),.regions([]),.registers([]), .variantForms([])]) case .inflections: return Set([.grammaticalFeatures([]),.lexicalCategory([])]) case .translations: return Set([]) case .wordlist: return Set([ .domains([]),.lexicalCategory([]),.regions([]),.registers([]),.translations([])]) case .stats_word_frequency: return Set([ .wordform(""),.trueCase([]),.lemma([]),.lexicalCategory([]) ]) case .stats_words_frequency: return Set([.collate([]),.sort([]),.minFrequency(0),.maxFrequency(10000),.minNormalizedFrequency(0),.maxNormalizedFrequency(10000),.wordforms([]),.trueCase([]),.lemma([]),.lexicalCategory([]),.grammaticalFeatures([])]).union(resultLimitationFilters) case .stats_ngrams_frequency: return Set([.minDocumentFrequency(0),.maxDocumentFrequency(10000),.minFrequency(0),.maxFrequency(10000),.contains([]),.tokens([])]).union(resultLimitationFilters) case .search: return Set([]) case .utility: return Set([]) } }
Now that we have defined our custom data types and data models, we are ready to develop an OxfordAPIRequest base class, which will be used to connect to the Dictionary API, as well as subclasses that will inherit from this class and which can be used to connect to the other API endpoints.
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